what is misophonia? [a thread]

(pls RT <3)
misophonia is a disorder where particular sounds and noises that most people can ignore trigger extreme emotions.

unlike what some people think it's not just "being sensitive" or "intolerant" having misophonia triggered can cause panic attacks and extreme anger to the point of
hurting oneself. in milder cases it can cause extreme discomfort and a flight or freeze response.
misophonia can be a life altering condition causing many people to avoid social situations entirely, fail tests because they just can't focus and ruin relationships with others. it's not just being sensitive.

exposure therapy for misophonics
has been proven not to work and can often times make the condition worse - as triggers can often be picked up and made worse

it's not something that can be "fixed" to our current knowledge
some common triggers are:
• chewing
• clicking pens
• crinkling of packaging
• home sounds (e.g muffled television)
• animal sounds
• whispering
it's unavoidable.

in your day to day life noises and sounds are going to trigger you.

random things that other people don't even notice create massive emotion and it can cause you to lash out at the people you love.
what can you do?

the best thing you can do is to try and make social media an accessible platform for misophonics and try and educate others about the condition.

please try and tag videos that are either asmr or involve eating with "// misophonia" so people can avoid it.
misophonia triggers are different for different people but common stuff that pops up is eating and breathing noises into mics - but again this might not be the same for everyone
also just be kind to your misophonic friends. try to understand where they are coming from as if can seem as if they're just being over dramatic - but i can assure you they are not
(second half rewritten for clarity and language use!!)
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