Who’s a teacher that wronged you and you’re STILLL mad about it! NAME NAMES AND NAME THE INCIDENT!
7th grade science: We had a project that involved a paper and a visual display. I chose Haley’s comet, wrote my paper about it, and made a DOPE DIORAMA! We lined up our displays in the back of the class and everyone complimented mine—
—and I was feeling really great about it because hey it feels great to do a good job! A day later she gives me an F. We go to collect our visual portion of the project and I’m so heartbroken I rip my Haley’s comet and throw it in the trash—
—My friends in the class are like, “I’m so sorry!” The teacher walks by and says that she didn’t know that diorama was mine?It had my name on it and everyone made a big show about it?!! But she assumed I only turned in the paper? And that there was a random diorama in the class?
—I’m like “Great, can I get a new grade?” And she says she can’t fix the grade because I already trashed the diorama. Even though it was sitting in her classroom for two days being praised by otherwise very judgemental 12 year olds. Anyway, shout out to Mrs. O’Reilly!!!!!!!!!!!
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