First go at a **thread**


Fear is the currency of control, it is an extremely powerful emotion & can completely paralyse rational thought process or any form of critical thinking.
Historically fear has acted as a strong component for social control, a concerted propaganda campaign around a specific narrative can be effective in creating mass fear. The war on drugs, the war on terror & more recently the war on a ‘virus’.
During high levels of fear / stress it is easier to use applied psychology to influence behaviour, the rational / logical part of the brain is suppressed & the limbic system kicks in, this is the emotional part of the brain, which is very malleable & open to manipulation.
A good analogy of this is an abusive relationship, a person can easily use applied psychology on another person by preying on their vulnerability when they are emotional, making it easy to influence their behaviour.
Chronic fear is catastrophic for proper brain function, which in turn makes us susceptible to intense emotions & impulsive reactions. The frontal lobes (part of the neocortex) are responsible for the conscious and rational decision making process.
The amygdala is twice as fast in response than the frontal lobes, the purpose of the amygdala is to protect, when the amygdala kicks in, it sends signals to the hippocampus (another part of the limbic system) which in turn releases stress hormones, such as cortisol & adrenaline.
These hormones prepare our body for the fight or flight response, it is autonomous, our built in survival system, very primitive & hardwired into every human.
At the initial stages of the Scamdemic people were fighting over toilet roll & there was no food left of the shelves. In the build up to this, the media had been pumping out propaganda on an industrial scale.
The sensationalist, inaccurate & click bait style reporting & emotive breaking news, prompted the ‘fear’ response of the public, causing them to act irrationally as their brains were in survival / protection mode.
The public / domesticated herd, now paralysed by fear are now in a situation where they want a solution, begging for a saviour to rescue them & to be led to safety.
Cue government intervention, this is where government can step in & socially engineer change & modify behaviour, as the domesticated herd will acquiesce to any new policies put in place, to get back to ‘normality’.
However, the plan was / is to never go back to the ‘old normal’ the plan was / is to usher us into a new authoritarian top down China like state, it was sold to the domesticated herd under the guise of a virus & ‘safety’, a hammer inside a velvet glove...
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