Why does one face problems even after a lifetime of good deeds? or vice versa?
Ans - I am not an expert. However, I remember the teaching from Padma Purana.
aprarabdha-phalam papam
kutam bijam phalonmukham
kramenaiva praliyeta
#karma #Freewill
My understanding - When one does an action, a seed is planted. Not all seeds germinate very fast. There is a dormant time before fructification. In the same way, Sins may be about to manifest or waiting to take effect. (phalonmukham).
The good/bad effects one undergoes may still be further into dormancy, or may be in seed state (Kuta and Bija). All sins are destroyed when one engages in Vishnu Bhakti.
The focus then would be the actions themselves that qualify as good or bad karma. Look at the upachayas that fuel our actions. Malefics here make you grow no matter what. Mars - Anger. Shani-lies, Rahu-Cheat, and Ketu-mistakes. This is "End justifies the means".
Special mention about Rahu. Rahu's exaltation is natural 3rd (Ge) and owns the 11th. Rahu (like Shani) has directional strength in 7th. 11th is the natural badhaka, and Rahu the reason for rebirth.
To add, the moolatrikona of Rahu is the natural 6th. Hence the "Trika" houses (3,6,11) having malefic(s) also act as seeds of bad karma.
So, from the #Jyotish viewpoint, how do we try to ensure future actions guide us to Dharma and Moksha (not easy as people would have you believe)

Here is a quick poll. Future actions are mapped to which house?
Will continue this #Thread post poll results
As expected, the polling was on predictable lines. The future as the 9th house (most votes) is WRONG. The 9th is the Past. The present is the Lagna and the FUTURE is the 5th house. It is like saying the father is the future and children are the past?
Correct Ans - 5th house.
The 5th is the house of planning. The 5th is the place of Mantra. Hence the 5th lord is called a) Mantresha and b) Sutesha. Your future actions/Karma depend on the nature of the 5th bhava/lord/planet(s) in the 5th.
The 5th also shows Bhakti. Hence the best way to ensure our Karma is Satwa in nature is to look at the 5th lord carefully. The Mantresha. What form of the path for #Spirituality is shown by the 5th.
The nature of the 5th bhava, planets in the 5th, or the lord of the 5th show which deity YOU will be naturally inclined to worship. This deity will ensure your FUTURE karma is positive
Now, the 5th is usually called Poorva Punya. This does not mean the past. The word Poorva is not the past in this context. It only means the past action can manifest as Punya in the future via the 5th. This sadly has become a wrong concept due to superficial learning.
Now, who has the power to block your Satwik karma? The 6th house, being the maraka. Hence malefic's in the 6th increase shadripu (Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Matsarya, and mada). This surely adds to the rajasic/tamasic karma and is recorded in the 10th by Chitragupta.
Just look at the cascading effect. Maefics in the 6th aspect the 12th house by Icha shakti (Desire). Hence the 12th house also becomes negative. Result? We all know.
Hope this thread was useful. Please do RT for a wider reach.
Sri Krishnarpanamastu
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