detroit: become human is full of awful allegories for racism and antisemitism. these themes are prevalent throughout the game and cannot be ignored while playing.

that's why i request @Ranboosaysstuff @ranaltboo does not stream, and therefore promote, the game.
as for the antisemitism: the armbands and triangles on the android's clothing, and their serial numbers, are holocaust imagery. there is also literally an "android holocaust" as one of the bad endings. the "recall centers" in the game represent concentration camps.
there's also the aspect that choosing less peaceful ways of fighting android oppression lead to bad endings. this is a bold statement that mirrors how people talk about real life protests against racism as being "too violent" to be respected.
plus, the creators of the game deny responsibility for these parallels by claiming they were all accidental, despite the fact they were quite obviously not.
i know some enjoy the characters or the art style or the gameplay, and that's fair enough! but the game itself is inseparable from the racism and antisemitism within it.
especially with the current anti-racism protests in real life, i think playing dbh on stream would be distasteful at best, and harmful to the marginalized communities that parallels are drawn to, at worst.
thank you for reading.

please tag ranboo!! i want him to see this. i apologize if this isn't worded the best, i'm bad at articulating my thoughts but i felt like this was important.
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