CW; racism, extremism, police brutality;

If someone tells you they’re angry for a legitimate & non petty reason, don’t ever tell them to “calm down”. If you’re a citizen of the USA and you haven’t been angry at the state of affairs in this country for a very long time now.
That may sound harsh to many, but I really don’t care. Too many of you aren’t aware of the current affairs going on all over this planet. Are things messed up here? Yes, they always have been. The USA isn’t great. The United Stars of America is a
failed state. I won’t leave, though, because it’s my home & I’m 100% willing to attempt to make it better, no matter how hard I may have to try. Don’t sit here and lie to me & act like you’ve always realized how screwed up it is here. I know that for a lot of you, you just
realized it in summer 2020 when lots more BLM protests started after George Floyd was murdered. Y’all seriously think this all started under Trump? It didn’t, not at all. It’s always been this way, but did definitely escalate during his presidency.
Now when it comes to worldwide issues, many here in the USA just don’t really pay attention. Like, at all. Why, though? Because you’re in your own little bubble, whether you’ll admit it or not. Not good.
For the record, I am neither a democrat or a republican, and voted green during our 2020 presidential election. I am a leftist & I don’t now and have never supported Trump or Biden. I know a few democrats are following me & you probably won’t like hearing any of this.
Oh well, at least I’m honest. And if any of you tell me that my vote went to trump for voting third party, you can fuck all the way off & keep going. My one vote didn’t determine the final results of the 2020 election. Biden/Harris are our president/VP now. That obvious.
Do any of you really think you voted out fascism or toppled a dictator? Get real, because you didn’t. Trump is gone & irrelevant now, but he served his full term & was out of the White House on the morning of January 20th. Stop talking about him ffs.
Comments are disabled for this thread because none of this is up for discussion. I’m about to light up a joint & shop for some clothes I’ve been putting off since getting my stimulus last week. If you disagree with any of this, mute/block me. That’s fine.
I wish you all the best & hope your eyes will one day open up to how fucked up shit has always been here & all the screed up shit we’ve done to other countries for profit & greed. Thank you for reading my random rant, but I’m too damn angry to stay quiet anymore.
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