Today, the full 6th Cir. Appeals Court upheld a law criminalizing doctors for providing an abortion if they know part of the patient’s reason relates to a Down syndrome diagnosis. (1/)
The hypocrisy here is stunning. Ohio has failed people with disabilities time after time--dozens of lawsuits have been filed against the state by disability rights advocates in recent years. (2/)
This includes multi-year litigation by Disability Rights Ohio & others to prevent long-term segregation of people with disabilities, including people with Down syndrome, in institutions. (3/)
And this law does nothing to protect people with disabilities from coerced sexual and reproductive health decisions, sterilization abuse, and police violence. (4/)
The fact is that forcing someone to carry a pregnancy to term against their will does nothing to tackle ableism and discrimination against people with disabilities. (5/)
Contrary to what some politicians want you to believe advancing the rights of people with disabilities need not compromise other fundamental rights. (6/)
When politicians can force us to make particular decisions about reproduction it hurts all of us. Enough is enough. (/end)
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