The @UN #FoodSystems Summit aims at transforming the way the world eats based on 5 Action Tracks.

This is the composition of #AT2. One would expect a sound consortium, given the impact this will have on all of us. If you don't identify the problem, let's spell it out. Thread 🧵
She's also a WEF Young Global Leader; no surprise that the initiative is to be seen as a "Davos for food" with leading food multinationals in its slipstream (the 'plant-based' market being their new business model) - check this thread for background:
The civil society leader (representing all of us)? The CEO of an activist platform -members include GFI, WRI, True Health Initiative (with EAT's Walter Willett as core member) & various animal rights organizations (e.g. PCRM) Aim: to half livestock by 2040 
Leader of work stream 1: J. Yi, President of the Good Food Fund in China (government-backed). Also a vegan activist. This may connect to plans of the Chinese government to drastically cut meat consumption.
Yi's first deputy within work stream 1 is the founder of Brighter Green - an advocacy group with a strong animal rights component. 
His second deputy: an academic from Chatham House & Harvard's Animals Law Program, & an ex-research fellow of the Seventh-Day Adventist University of Loma Linda. Expertise: arguing for "peak meat" & making animal agriculture look catastrophic.
Work stream 2, led by Vennard from the WRI; also leading the Cool Food Pledge and the Better Buying Lab. Essentially, consumer manipulation and social engineering towards ‘plant-based’ eating.
This is where AT2 wants to land (from their December working paper): the EAT -Lancet diet globally implemented & the food gap that would be created by heavily restricting animal foods, filled in with 'plant-based' imitations, bioreactor foods, insects, ...
And a whole set of top-down interventionist measures to arrive there: taxes, dietary guidelines, regulation of advertising, nudges, front-of-pack warnings, meals in public canteens, pressure on companies, school curricula, ....
To be fair, the current version is slightly more balanced (probably due to input by others, from the broader scientific group & other action tracks) - but the AT2 intentions likely remain unchanged.
New version still contains this: create a "cultural shift"
Schools will certainly be targeted:
- "Alter food availability options"
- "school education programmes"
- "ensure the next generation has a novel conceptualization" of the food system

Guess what that would mean...
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