tw // death, violence

before we begin, I know this is a thread about boy bands but I will be making an execution joke later. I can’t help it.
this is completely scientific btw so alright let’s go
Merlin | Backstreet Boys
this one somehow feels like it needs no explanation so I won’t be giving one
Arthur | Big Time Rush
it’s the only life he’s got, so he’s gotta live it big time.
Gwen | One Direction
they have her energy. also this isn’t relevant to my reasoning but the picture I’m using for them is so funny to me
Morgana | Backstreet Boys
I wasn’t going to give her the same one as Merlin but honestly the thought of her bumping Backstreet’s Back while plotting to murder her family and friends is so good
Leon | Jonas Brothers
I feel like my boi Leon would appreciate the concept of some bros having a boy band together
Lancelot | literally any boy band
all boy bands have rights in Lancelot’s eyes✨
Gwaine | NSYNC
this one took debate but I decided that Gwaine would be both unironically and ironically amused by the nsync boys trying to be edgy
Elyan | One Direction
bc of Gwen, obviously. they bump the shit out of some 1d together. sibling goals.
Percival | New Kids on the Block
he too was the new kid on the block
Uther | no boy bands
boy bands are too close to sorcery. Uther would execute the boy bands.
Gaius | 98 Degrees
not sure that he actively likes them so much as he appreciates that their name is vaguely science-related
Kilgharrah | The Wanted
he may be a dragon but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t walk like Rihanna
you’re welcome.
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