For those who asked for a thread, here it is.

There are 12 laws of the universe. In order to achieve your manifestation, you will have to apply most, if not all. And obviously that requires some work & quite a lot of inner work.
We all have the spark of the divine within us & it all starts with us knowing that we are divine & are one with God, our higher self & the universe. The universe & God are always on your side, they want to make things happen for us & we have to awaken to our innate powers.
Everything is energy, whatever you want vibrates at a certain frequency and in order to get it you need to vibrate at that frequency too. You attract what you ARE and not what you WANT! We know all those people who are “God’s favourites”, those people are attracting beautiful
things because they are attracting exactly who they are & most of the time, they know and use their divine powers to those beautiful things. Getting your vibration to a certain level & keeping it high will require you to take in activities like meditation, practise gratitude etc.
Most of the time our subconscious limiting beliefs prevent us from getting closer to our manifestations. Which is why practises like journaling are important, through it you get to realise what underlying subconscious beliefs you have and once you’ve identified
them it makes it easy to start the process of shadow work; healing the inner child & rewriting all of those stories by affirming new beliefs which is why affirmations are so important. Let’s take @ElsaAngel19 for example, we all know that she is living the life of her dreams and
and everyone just wants a copy and paste of her prayer. If you listen back to all the videos she was making during lockdown, she was speaking all of these things into existence! Look at her now, living out her manifestations and beyond!
Detatching from your manifestation is a big one! When you chase something, it will run from you and desperately wanting something can quickly turn belief into doubt. We tend to have a lot of anxiety around our manifestations on the when, where and how but that is not our duty
to worry about. When you set your intention to God/universe and want it to happen a specific way, it limited the universe. You are looking at one door when the universe can provide a plethora of doors. Its like asking for money through a job, when you can just win the lottery.
The universe always knows best so the why, when and how is for the universe to handle and not for us to worry about.
Lol okay I could go on the entire day but if you want to learn more on the laws of the universe, manifestations, shadow work, the feminine divine etc. follow
I have a long list of book suggestions as well but I’ll recommend my top 6

1. The Power of your subconscious mind - Joseph Murphy
2. The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
3. You are a badass: how to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life - Jen Sincero
4. Universal Laws: Unlocking the Secrets of the Universe: 7 Natural Laws of the Universe-Creed McGregor
5. You are a badass at making money-Jen Sincero
6. The Code of the Extraordinary Mind: 10 Unconventional Laws to Redefine Your Life and Succeed On Your Own Terms- V. Lakhiani
You can follow @zithobemacheli.
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