The Electoral Board meeting was supposed to start 11 minutes ago but we’re still waiting. Here’s the link for the meeting:
Alright looks like the meeting is getting started. But it seems like they’re on mute? Idk what is going on anymore.
Okay so it seems they’re just going on with this meeting on mute. They’re back now but they’re in the middle of something so I’m a little confused.

It seems there are 45 days of early voting before the June 8th primary. They have a list of election officers.
Now they’re moving onto precinct locations. Acting registrar says because of renovations there won’t be any room for voting at City Hall so it’ll be at MLK Middle. M-F 8AM-5PM and June 5th (Saturday) 9AM-5PM.
Now they’re saying you can’t inhabit Thompson Middle even though at the last meeting she was all “we can totally be there since it isn’t demolished.” Whatever, they’re going to Huguenot High.
And instead of American Legion they’re going to a church. They still have to go before city council to get a yes from them on these precinct changes.
Now they’re going into closed session where they’re going to talk about dismissing chief of precinct 115, Ames Russell. And Nachman is like “did you say we are discussing the registrar?” And Starlet is getting all up in arms about how they aren’t discussing that.
Then Nachman pushes back again saying yes they are. And they go back and forth for awhile. Then Nachman says they are discussing the appointment of the registrar and Starlet is like “yeah we are discussing that sorry!” And then reads that closed session notice again.
Now they’re in closed session. Alright I’m going back to get that weird video.
So, this is relevant/a touchy subject because Starlet Stevens is the Republican and Ive heard she was pushing back against voting to appoint a new registrar tonight before the SBE makes a decision on allegations against the 2 Democratic members of the board.
We’re back from closed session.
Stevens is making a motion to call Ames Russell into their next meeting to discuss what happened in the November 2020 canvass during closed session. That passes.
Stevens makes a motion to vote on the choice for the new registrar for Richmond City. She is nominating Keith Balmer. Nachman seconds. Stevens and Nachman vote yes. Joyce Smith votes no.
Is it Balmer, Palmer, or Walmer?
Lol. They weren’t able to do machine certification today.

Now it’s now the vendor’s fault. A candidate didn’t sign properly. They should have everything here by tomorrow and everything completed no later than Tuesday.
They don’t have to have a called meeting to do certification. They are going to work around the board’s schedules which may involve them coming in separately.
WAIT!!!! Is Keith Balmer the gentleman who has been working in the registrar’s office for awhile? I feel like I remember the name Keith from someone who was super helpful at the front desk.
Hmmm maybe not. They just said he has to give 2 weeks notice.
The acting registrar says she has all the payroll dates and stuff in place for the new registrar. The board is supposed to determine the registrar’s pay in closed session. Now Joyce is all like “how did you know the dates before he was selected!” And the acting registrar
is basically saying she was asking general questions. Now for a 2 week start date they have to meet again. That is going to be 4/28 at 4PM.
There is other business. The guy Allen who is the IT guy is talking. He’s holding up a diagram for the flow of the election to turn in equipment. Says it’s not too different from last time but there’s a numbering system. The goal is to stop bottlenecks.
Jim is super stoked on this.
Now is public comment for items not on the agenda. Seems like there aren’t any. Now the acting registrar is talking about how great their staff is. And they want to know if Coach Mac is going to be around (Jeffrey Maclin). The answer is yes.
Now Elizabeth Butler is talking about how they have to send notice to party chairs about something that I missed. Another comment was from the 2/1 meeting when they appointed a bunch of election officers and yet they haven’t appointed any more. How she’s quoting
the Virginia law on this. Basically anyone from this point further seems that it needs to be people appointed by the parties. She’s saying the Republican Party hasn’t received notice as law requires. Now citing issues she’s had with her submitted appointments.
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