Racconti del Poeta is an anthology of shorts by Edgar Allan Poe, illustrated by fourteen italian artists. Comics, illustration and photography come together to pay homage to the master of horror literature.

Crowdfunding in autumn. Links below!

#eapoe #anthology #comics
I'm the curator of the anthology, and will keep this thread updated with relevant news and previews, BUT you'll be best served if you follow us on FB or IG.

Racconti del Poeta is an italian project, but you can always enjoy the pretty pictures!


If you dread other socials, bookmark this thread or our website. You still won't miss the most important updates!

#eapoe #comics #anthology https://raccontidelpoeta.wordpress.com/ 
You can follow @OhiAnitaZeta.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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