I recently learned in Friedman's Red Mafiya book AG Clark had a pretty strange career arc...

He helped draft LBJ's landmark Civil and Voting Rights legislation

And in later private law practice defended some of the world's most ruthless dictators, strongmen, and Mobsters đŸ€”
LBJ nominated Ramsey Clark to be AG and in a sort of weird political calculus

that act opened up a SCOTUS seat because dad, Tom Clark, a fmr AG and later SCOTUS Judge for Truman,

stepped down from the high court to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest.

How quaint!
Ramsey Clark defended Lyndon LaRouche helped found the leftist International Action Center, which is anti-NATO (read this article with caution, it is a screed!)

What happened to Ramsey Clark? How did he become such a legal scoundrel?

Drugs? Kompromat? https://iacenter.org/2018/07/17/a-short-history-of-nato/
Found Ramsey Clark's defense support if Soltnetskovo Bratva boss Mikhailov's criminal trial in Switzerland...

This is a terrible look for a former AG. Almost as bad as what some of our other former AG's, FBI Directors, and CIA Chiefs have done...

Solntsevo Bratwa? I'm not sure how it's spelled. Mikhailov is one of the biggest bosses of all in the Russia Mafia State
Birshstein, Mogilevich, Gorbachev, Yeltsin ... Mikhailov was and is very well-connected
Ramsey Clark, LBJ's Attorney General, as a defense witness for Sergei Mikhailov, head of the Solntsevo Bratva, one of Russia's top Mafia gangs

Why didn't that get much US headlines?

Ramsey Clark said FBI witness & Mob crime expert Bob Levinson's testimony was false đŸ˜„
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