They hate us cuz they aint us 😭 #BPDgang
There are actually some really amazing things about BPD but we stay getting demonized, but it's really more of a reflection of how ignorant and unfeeling the rest of the world is, rather than our own expressions
I really think a lot of people with BPD would have better relationships and interactions if other people weren't so put off by the diagnosis. People just expect us to be manipulative and psycho. That's how they see us, which triggers the negative aspects of the disorder.
Like do you know how many times I finally opened up to my mom about how I'm actually feeling, and her first response is "that's emotional warfare, you're just trying to manipulate me"?? Which then triggers me to blow up. She didn't start saying that until I got diagnosed.
Even my own psychiatrist did it. First she said she wouldn't give me a PRN tranquilizer because of my suicidal history. I get hospitalized and properly diagnosed, then she said she wouldn't give it to me because people with BPD have addiction tendencies. I ghosted her ass.
I have zero history of addiction. So yeah.

Anyways this thread turned into something I wasn't expecting. Long story short: BPD isn't all bad and people shouldn't judge us based on harmful stereotypes ❤
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