There are so many white activists trying to build a name/IG following/get the book deal, who are really only activists for themselves and their single issue. I know that's "allowed" and maybe even the norm but I find it depressing. >>
To a soul each of them demands solidarity, boosting, asks us to promote them and their work... & co-opts other movements but provides little to no meaningful support for individuals more vulnerable than they. >>
I want to surround myself with activists who aren't just stuck on their particular same crusade, who are willing to deepen their practice, boost & include others. I don't know if it's a whiteness thing but white activists seem to be the worst at this.
They're often throwing out memes like "eat the rich", "we need to blow it all up" etc etc but the only real wordsmithing, caption-writing they do is for their pet issue.

OK I cannot leave this thread on a downer note lol
Thank you so much to those of you who include ALL, who include the marginalized human & nonhuman animals that few people talk about, who GIVE & not just demand. Thank you those who are rooted in love & willing to receive it too. I see you and I appreciate you more than I can say.
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