Ok this is good. This lines up with @WhipClyburn prediction that the bill will be on @POTUS desk by July. Resist the urge to ask why not now, the business of the Senate traditionally moves at a snail’s pace.

This lines up with my prediction minutes ago (see 🧵 below) that some very serious and confidential discussions occurred in the Senate meeting this morning that @seungminkim and her fellow Beltway jackals were barred from. No coincidence that markup was announced after this

There must have been serious discussions and an alignment of strategy among the 50 @SenateDems during this meeting as the process for actively getting this bill passed has been scheduled. @SenSchumer is saavy and no fool. Watch @Sen_JoeManchin . I feel as though his..

Its also no coincidence that this nomination was just sent to the Senate⤵️ This should appease Manchin and get him on board beyond the infrastructure package. Expect more performances from him, but he has already been bought off by the Biden admin.

This is expert level politics by @POTUS @WHCOS and the entire oval office staff. Some may have ethical qualms with this arrangement, but it achieves the greater good by making entire Biden agenda more achievable. Nevertheless we still keep up the public pressure campaign
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