Some fanatics are weaponising the conversation on the pill and blood clots to try and put women off using *any* birth control. I want all women to be aware there is effective non-hormonal BC (like condoms and the copper coil) that is NOT associated with blood clots.

Thread. 👇
These fanatics often try to manipulate women by telling them birth control is “sexist” because “only women bear the discomfort.”

Well, I have great news! Condoms are highly effective, protect against STDs, and can be worn by men. 😊👇
The copper coil is also non-hormonal. My mother used it for 20 years with no complications and zero unplanned pregnancies. However, some women experience heavier periods and other side effects. Check out all the info on the NHS website. 👇
It’s crucial to talk about the side effects of hormonal BC, but some misogynists who don’t like women to be educated and in control of their bodies also use these conversations to scaremonger and spread lies. Check out the facts on the NHS website. 👇
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