Twitter knows that some people don't go on h*rmonal birth c*ntrol because of risks right?

And also that all blood cl*ts are not the same?
Twitter knows that the goal is to get /everybody/ who can be v*ccinated v*ccinated yeah?

So if you're v*ccinating billions of people, suddenly one-in-a-million becomes thousands.
Nothing has been recalled. They're just saying "hey we found this thing and we're looking into it".

Imagine if they /didn't/ do this. If they either sat on the information or said "yeah it can kill people but you have to take it anyways"?
/Especially/ with the fact that more vulnerable populations are getting this particular v*ccine because it has less storage/transport needs and doesn't require a follow-up in a particular time window.
The reaction would be "conspiracy" at worse, or "they don't care about us" at best, both of which would ALSO be bad for public perception and trust.
Obviously I'm not an epidemiologist/doctor/scientist. Don't refer to this thread for anything.
I do have a much less life-threatening health condition that a v*ccine was shown to cause (not in my case) and they stopped distributing that v*ccine.
I'm just saying that the genre of tweet I've been seeing that is "you think this is risky? Wait until you find out about the expectations they have for me" doesn't actually do anyone any favors and also reminds me of the beginning of all of this!
I really hope this pandemic has taught people that they are not immune to their body betraying them but here we are!
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