I started Assistant coaching Baseball this past year.

It's been decades since I played in a team sport.

I forgot the valuable lessons to be learned.

Even if your kids aren't into sports, it's important they play a season or two.

Sports are the easiest way to teach a lot of life's most valuable lessons.

Let's run through what sports teach.
Empathy the most important lesson

Not every kid will be at top performance every game.

Your kid will see their struggle and understand what they are feeling.

Because they too will have had the same thing happen.
Let go of the past

When something bad happens you have to forget it or it will consume you.

Anyone who ever played sports knows you'll screw up. How you recover is what makes you strong.

In sports, you have to learn this lesson often.
Working as a team

Teamwork is a necessity of life.

So many parts of life require teamwork.

Marriage is the biggest place you see teamwork being important.

Everybody needs to learn to work towards a common goal.
Places teamwork is required

• Marriage
• Working with clients
• Projects
• Parenting
You lose and still show up

Life consists of a series of losses.

Showing up after a loss to redeem yourself is hard.

It's valuable to know you can come back better than you were before.
Hard work pays off

Participating in sports is 75% practice and 25% games.

The hard work in practice pays off in the games.

Life's no different, you get better at things the more you do them.
Sports is for more than being athletic.

It helps teach lessons that will never be forgotten.
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