"I don't even know how many times ten isn't even included in content. when his fans complain, they get attacked by "group fans" claiming "ten always got the most".... " +
" "ten is just a flop" ten, a flop? where? when he was a t7s member but only got a fixed unit in 2019? when he went on a hiatus for a year in 2017 bc of his knee injury? when he needed to go through his trainee years in kr all shakily bc he's thai but just ended up in china? " +
"when he shot 4 mvs at once but had secs of screentime in contents? when he is the only one in the group that can sing, rap, dance, can do everything not that only but also gets attacked everyday bc of the "unfair part distribution"? or is it bc he gets more parts than ur fav?" +
""ten has a quiet personality", I think u all group fans watched the grp reality show right? having a quiet personality & having delicate feelings aren't the same. u all weren't having that opinion when u all quickly came up w names for him like "king of insulting" etc. " +
"just because he's kind, and not competitive, treating everyone equally, does that mean that his mistreatment should be ignored or be treated as something that should happen?"
" "ten's fans aren't protesting in the right way, it's ruining his reputation, its sad to see" we're not protesting correctly? then what is "the right way"? as group fans, u all clearly know how many emails ten's fans sent label v & sm, on lysn, twt, weibo.. all just in 2020. " +
"and where did all those suggestions go? u all saw how it went. its not even more effective than protesting in other ppl's comment section. as a 10vely, I genuinely don't know whats the "right way" or any way to protest, that's effective & won't "ruin the group's image". "
" "what's the standard for fairness in parts & contents?" "ten's fans talk ab ten leaving the grp & going solo everyday" "why does ten has so many parts?" 10velys r known to be quiet, but not to point that we'll stay silent when we literally can't see him anywhere in contents. "+
"what is fairness? for me, it's at least not him having less that a min in a 10 min video, not even trying to find his solo cut but finding him in all the group shots. ten's fans are talking ab him leaving the grp.
"ten's fans", now we'll have to put a quotation mark here." +
"to the ppl that knows, they'll know. ofc if we're looking at the progress, we have indeed been waiting for this chance. ten has a lot of parts? how many idols have u seen that can't sing nor dance & gets lots of parts? it's bc he has the skills to. go call the tutors then. " +
"at the end of the day, it's still the that sentence. the ratio of what ten deserves and what he actually has, was never fair since the start."
----- COMMENTS -----
1. "he graduated SMROOKIES 2015 in TOP3 of the popularity rank, in 2017 he went on a hiatus bc of injury, but on the same year there were activities on feb & sep, he needed 7 months to rest? more than 6 months of hiatus caused his drop in popularity, this never made sense. "+
+ "his fans waited for so long only for him to get into a fixed unit in 2019. @WayV_official ask yourself, have u ever cared for him? @SMTOWNGLOBAL all his hard work will just be let down like this? how many 5 years does he have to let u waste it like this."
2. "first of all, u need to be on ten's level of skills to argue with him for parts. everything he has now is all bc he deserves it, but he's never satisfied with only these. he needs a bigger stage. label v isn't even on that level, and u all forbid us to protest for him?"
3. "never bringing him into group activities, left him out at the airport, got hurt without official announcements, got his bday wrong for 2 years, official accs rts/reposts without him, and so much more. and he's the only one having all these mistreatments by the company." +
+"not to mention the other fans being all sarcastic when it comes to him. when he went to practice room to practice he was "not fitting in w the others". he was "not fitting in" just bc he doesn't play games. anyways its all ten's fault in the end isn't it."
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