A lot of this rage could've been minimized had UST published a clear metric in regards to how they give USTAR Score. I get that the comment invalidating our efforts as USTSHS is uncalled for because we worked our asses off for this, but I think we need to admit that
we have the upper hand. The reason why I went to USTSHS is because I was aware of this perk. I know we've worked a lot, but those non Thomasians probably did, too. We both did but we were prioritised because we are USTSHS. Having privilege is not a bad thing
Especially for us students who are trying our best to climb our way up. We all are fighting. I think what's wrong is being unable to acknowledge the privilege we have and not doing anything to level the playing field. This is not to say I support the people who throw
their frustrations at us. I don't think it was necessary to come at us. I made lots of sacrifices in UST. This is just a problem deeply rooted in the flaws of our education system: meritocracy, how the financially abled are able to go to known schools and gain domino benefits
, and how there's a lack of accountability. We are literally fighting each other and they're literally just looking at us. USTSHS must swallow the fact that they have an edge. Non thomasians should understand that we will take whatever we can get because we exerted effort, too.
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