Going to vent here.

The Texas Legislature not sharing bills they've passed with the public irritates me to no end.

Seriously, back on Thurs, a Texas House committee passed major election bills with significant amendments.

It is still not online for the public to read!
The Texas Senate did almost the same thing. They heavily amended their election bill at 1:39 a.m. two weeks ago, and then moved to pass the bill at 1:40 a.m. though the bill wasn't available for anyone in the publilc to read until the next day.

We couldn't even read amendments!
Sure, as a member of the media this makes my job SOOO hard to explain to people what THEIR Legislature just passed.

But the real problem is everyday Texans have no way to read what is being voted out of committees and voted off the floor when this happens.
This is not normal. In other State Legislatures I've covered over the years, there can be a printing delay. But I've never had to wait 5 days to see what a committee passed out.

That is all. Just had to get that off my chest.
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