Thread about going to protests
You need to prepare. Have some sort of eye covering (glasses, goggles) and avoid contact lenses. You’ll also want a mask or bandana, of course. Not only does it help with protecting your face from things like mace and tear gas, it also keeps you from being recognized later.
That being said, you won’t be recognized for just your face. Any markings like tattoos or coloured hair can be recognized by cops. You’ll want to cover that up.
Try to avoid wearing anything with bright colours, as those can be recognized as well. Even your shoes can be
And for more preparation, you will want your phone, water, and snacks.
If you have taken pictures or videos, do not blur people out. The police can unblur them. Cover these people with black squares, and not just their face, hide their entire body.
Gloves are important too, take it from somebody who has caught a tear gas bomb. Those things are burning hot.
Do NOT pour milk into your wounds or eyes. That causes infection. Only use milk if there are no other options. Use cold water to
wash your eyes if necessary. Do NOT rub your skin either, that will make it hurt more.
When you get home, take a COLD SHOWER for twenty minutes. Hot water reactivates tear gas.
IF YOU OR SOMEBODY IS BLEEDING: the obvious thing to do is to apply pressure to the wound. If there is something inside the wound like a bullet, DO NOT try to take it out. Leave it in there, leave that to medical professionals. Taking it out will worsen the bleeding.
Use some sort of cloth, like a bundled up shirt, to press against the wound, and press HARD. Do NOT stop until you can get professional help.
If the bleeding is coming from an arm or leg, apply pressure ABOVE the wound. Do not tie a tourniquet unless you are prepared to lose that
limb. You also want to know HOW to tie a tourniquet in the first place.

Obviously when somebody is injured you will want to get them away from the commotion as quickly as possible.
DONT go to a protest alone.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. You have the right to photograph and film cops. If you are under arrest, you have a right to know why. You can refuse consent for a search, but you still may be pat down. But do not resist or struggle during an arrest or search.
In most cases, you are not required to provide your full name, address, or identification.
You have the right to remain silent.
Regarding bringing your phone, lock it with a password, not a fingerprint.
Please stay safe.
This too!! Cops will not hesitate to use non lethal weapons in lethal ways. They will shoot their rubber bullets at your FACE.
I have seen people use leaf blowers to fight the tear gas bombs, and Ive also seen them use traffic cones to cover the bomb and sniff it while people used squirt bottles to neutralize it.
Makeup will make tear gas cling to your face!! DONT wear makeup!

I’ve also seen people try and avoid facial recognition by drawing on their faces with colourful markers- that does not work.
I will continue adding to this thread with the help of other people or if I suddenly remember something I forgot to add
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