IG expert: Banning unvaccinated people is discrimination! I’m free to choose!

Me: You have a choice. That may include restrictions. You can choose to get drunk but that means you can’t drive.

IG expert : Obesity is also a public health issue, you can’t ban obese people!

Me: Obesity is not contagious 🙄

IG expert #2: The vaccine is not FDA approved! That matters!

Other person: Marijuana is not FDA approved either.

IG expert #2: You can’t force me to smoke or not smoke to go somewhere!

Me: You can’t drive and in many place you can’t work after using 🤷‍♀️
IG experts: Obese people cause strain on the hospitals! They are more at risk from COVID!

Me: Soooo why are you fighting against public health measures meant to reduce the spread?

IG experts: Wear your mask and stay home!

These people. Seriously.
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