update on the song i'm working on: intro + verse fairly locked in. might do the classic and drop in a weird PSA from the past at the start. lyrics and vocal melody are placeholders

influenced by a cave weddings song I saw in a jay reatard memorial video. https://soundcloud.com/old_hands/real-soon-sketch-2-dif-riff
vocal mix is so off right now too. I can't seem to get what I'm looking for, so tips and feedback welcome

it's getting more song-y now. Still needs more direction and some love. probably going to use the current verse as a chorus? idk. this is the most i've worked on a song since the first album lol.
Added some plugins and fifth harmony of ~the riff~ in the chorus. https://soundcloud.com/old_hands/real-soon-7th-cut
figured out a prechorus and nuked the vocals because i fiddled with the plugins too much and hate the lyrics. https://soundcloud.com/old_hands/real-soon-eighth-cutno-vocals
forgot to post 9th cut. Here is 10th cut. It has a prechorus and verse 1 lyrics. If you're sick of me posting this, so am I and I wish it was just done but life doesn't work that way, sport https://soundcloud.com/old_hands/real-soon-10th-cut
oooookay. watched this video and got inspired for my own thing. what if we started taking stuff away? and switching to more acoustic but still reverby. and slow down the pace a little? less frantic. a bit of a left turn but hmmmm....
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