1/ Tucker is wrong because the ADL opposing a "right of return" is about preserving a single, functioning refuge for an oppressed people, slaughtered in the millions *as Jews,* expelled from their countries *as Jews,* whose population today is still below pre-Shoah numbers. https://twitter.com/PeterBeinart/status/1381981619716812809
2/ Surely Tucker understands the difference between what's described above and the situation of, say, Americans of English descent. But he doesn't care. He's about dulling rather than sharpening viewers understanding, for the sake of scoring his point.
3/ Peter is wrong because Tucker trying to score a point doesn't magically erase the justice of a stable Jewish refuge on, if my math is right, .004% of the world's land mass. A Jewish refuge means a state that grants preferential immigration to Jews. See https://www.bjpa.org/content/upload/bjpa/demo/Democratic%20Norms.pdf
4/ If Peter is arguing that having an extremist approvingly pointing to your position invalidates that position, it probably wouldn't work out so well for Peter. Here, e.g., is David Duke's website endorsing not just Beinart, but Beinart making the same argument he makes here.
5/ Or if you prefer, here's another article on Duke's website that points to historically black colleges in order to legitimizes maintaining all-white spaces. In Peter's view, does that invalidate arguments in favor of maintaining the character of historically black colleges?
6/ Last but not least, we shouldn't let pass Peter's attempt at a "Zionism is racism" revival—his tactic of suggesting "equality" must mean the end of Israel, and that those who support the existence of the Jewish state (MLK; an overwhelming majority of Jews) oppose "equality."
7/ As I put it in my critique of Peter's anti-Zionist essay (see https://www.camera.org/article/in-anti-zionist-manifesto-beinart-dismisses-mainstream-jews-and-facts/):
8/ Peter's argumentation, in other words, about dulling rather than sharpening people's understanding, for the sake of scoring his point.
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