//PRINCIPLE 37. //


You are a limited being, in a finite existence, constrained by time

Make the most of things



Over the course of my career, seeing more people die than I can remember, I have noticed patterns pertaining to people’s acceptance of death

Most neglect to consider or confront the idea of death until it is upon them or the ones they love
Death for most seems a foreign concept

An event that happens to others, or an abstract idea that plays out at some point in the future

To be faced down the road, when it seems more assured and tangible

So often I believe, our modern culture takes the wrong approach to death
An approach of avoidance and neglect

Instead of acceptance and exploration

If I can impress one thing upon you, it is that death does not discriminate in his timing

He does not consider your hopes, your dreams, and the plans you hold for the future
Death simply takes what it wants, when it wants, no matter the level of preparation

Therefore, I believe it is extremely important to sit and consider your own mortality

To consider the frailty of life and of those around you

To consider how we will all meet our inevitable end
It may seem like a dark task, but it is an extremely important one

One day you and those you love will close their eyes for a final time, and slip into the next part of the journey

No matter what your beliefs, the realm that lay beyond this one is a mystery to us
This singular unique experience we live in now is the only opportunity we will have to exist in this realm

So, to prepare for our inevitable conclusion, and the end of those we love, we must RUMINATE ON DEATH
We must decide what values we hold, how to live authentically, and how we can make the most of our time in this life

As time is the ultimate currency we can spend

So, let death be a great motivator and from the ashes of complacency rise a new you
A you that reveres the preciousness of life and strives to live in alignment with your true self

RUMINATE ON DEATH and let it drive you to great things

As the flower grows from dirt and manure, so too will your mindset bloom, through the consideration of DEATH
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I will see you at the next PRINCIPLE mental warriors
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