20 Things Your Boss Doesn’t Want You To Know

1. Biweekly Pay Sucks

When you work for yourself, you can get paid multiple times A DAY.

No waiting around two weeks for the boss to cut you a check.
2. You Don’t Need an LLC To Start a Business

With a laptop and Wifi, you have everything you need to work for yourself.

You don't need a special license or even a business bank account.

You can start now.
3. Retirement Planning Is Easy

You don't need to depend on your 401K for retirement.

There are THOUSANDS of options to choose from.

Many of them are better than what you currently have.
4. It’s Better To Pick Your Own Clients

Finding your own clients can be difficult.

But, dealing with someone else’s crappy clients is way worse.
5. Your Boss Doesn’t Want You To Vacation

Even though you are given X number of vacation days a year, it's a headache for your boss if you use them all.

He'd much prefer it if you never took a day off.
6. Your Boss Doesn’t Care If Your Work Is Meaningless

You're trying to do something meaningful with your life.

He’s trying to make sure you follow the rules.
7. Working From Home Doesn’t Mean You’re Free

Working from home is no different than having a dog on a longer leash.

Sure, you can run further away from your owner, but at the end of the day, there's still a collar around your neck.
8. Quitting Your Job Is Easy

Taking this leap is simpler than you think.

Save up some money to live on, then email your two weeks notice.

You could even start a side hustle before you leave.

It’s not necessary to quit your job to start.
9. Your Boss Doesn’t Care If You’re Fulfilled

Your boss wants you to get the job done without getting him in trouble.

Your fulfillment or happiness is irrelevant to him.
10. You Can Get Affordable Health Insurance Without a Job

A simple google search will produce TONS of options for you to pick from.

Pick the one that’s best for you and leave the employer behind.
11. You Can Make More Money Working For Yourself

Working for a company, you're stuck in the pay structure they offer.

There is no limit on how much money you can make on your own.
12. Working For Yourself Is The Future

In "How To Get Rich Without Getting Lucky," Naval talks about this very point.

The internet has drastically changed the world, and depending on an employer will soon be a thing of the past.
13. You Can Start For Almost $0

You don't need a building, special license, unique tools, or tons of cash to start working for yourself.

If you're reading this tweet, you have everything you need already.
14. You Make Your Company WAY More Than They Pay You

For your company to stay in business, they need to make a profit from your work.

That means the value you create is significantly higher than the value they pay you.

When you work for yourself, you get all that excess value.
15. Your 9-5 Is Killing You

Look at all the animals in nature.

Are any of them going to "work" every single day?

No. What do most of them do?

Lay around and play until it's time to hunt some food.

You were designed to rest more than you work, not the other way around.
16. Your Boss Wants To Pay You Less

Your boss will pay you the absolute minimum he must to get the job done.


Because at the end of the day, it has nothing to do with your pay and everything to do with completing the work.

If the job can be done for less, he wins.
17. You’re Not Important (To Your Company)

You're very replaceable.

Your boss may try to make you feel special in some way, but at the end of the day, you're a number on an excel spreadsheet.

When you quit and become self-employed, you'll be replaced by another number.
18. You're Worth More Than Your Salary

Since you're the best at your job, you're more valuable than those next to you.

Yet you all get paid the same.


Because if the job is done and the customer is happy, it doesn't matter if you're "the best" to the company.
19. They’ll Move On From You Quickly

Companies have an expected amount of turnover and a process in place to hire new people.

When you quit, they simply begin the hiring and training process from square one.

Does it suck?


But that's their job.
20. Your Salary Is Addictive

"The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary." Nassim Taleb

When you are dependent on that paycheck every month, the addiction is real.

But, once you get over the hump, you’ll realize that you don’t need it.

Most 9-5ers think a job is the only way to earn a living.

Your boss would hate me for writing this.

But, I’m on a mission to produce more entrepreneurs. Escape modern-day slavery.

Thanks for reading.

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