dream, a mama's boy. — a thread.
#HBOMB: are you a mama's boy dream?
#DREAM: oh no of course not /s
#HBOMB: it's okay to be- i've look-
#DREAM: no never and never would be /s
#DREAM: my mom loves to cook, she cooks all the time for me.
#DREAM: my mom whenever she's getting like a shampoo or whenever she's at the store, she just gets me shampoo. the same with like toothpaste.
in dream's persuasive essay in his old notebook:

"when i get home from football, i eat the lovely dinner my mom cooked for me."
#PUNZ: don't you buy your own food
#DREAM: my mom does
#TOMMY: is your mother proud of you dream?
#DREAM: i'm sure
#TOMMY: do you know though? has she ever said it to your face?
#DREAM: yeah, she said that
him defending his mom:
he always tell us stories about her and how he's proudly telling us that she cooks him foods everytime.
end of the thread <3
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