We have no idea it's only 6 out of 7m, the damage could be permanent and we could be seeing the numbers wracking up for a generation .

Also, Silver has no idea what the cba is irt honesty or the lack thereof, and people like him thought Dr. Fauci lying was brilliant. https://twitter.com/NateSilver538/status/1381925025964515330
The FDA is trying to tell people the risk is probably much worse than it looks like, ie the "6 out of 7m" without causing a panic, because these kinds of clots are abnormal and not the kind of clots Drs look for irt vaccines and if treated normally your dr. might kill you.
The 6 people these clots were detected in were all women, the oldest of which was 48 with the youngest being 18.

There's a possibility here it's happened a ton with people in their 50s/60s and we just don't know because old people getting clots doesn't raise as many red flags.
Who knows, maybe Pfizer somehow 'tricked' the feds into banning the J&J vaccine, but taking away half the vaccine supply doesn't seem like something anyone with power would do short of realizing the possible catastrophe is massive.
This all sounds like they think there's some very serious shit going on and they're trying to not freak out the entire country lol
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