1/ The ZK vs optimistic rollups debate is about to end.

zkPorter, an engine for mass crypto adoption, is coming with EVM-enabled @zksync 2.0 this August. It will reshape the entire L2 landscape.


Key highlights:
2/ As protocols migrate to rollups, we will soon see a big boost in Ethereum throughput—but only briefly.

When you add another lane to a highway, more cars get on the road. Same way, more TPS capacity means more trading, more NFTs, and more creative new use cases.
3/ Rollups give a linear increase in throughput, but we need an exponential increase, or we'll end up just as congested as we are right now.

This is why we believe zkPorter is such an important breakthrough. It will bring Ethereum to the millions, fast.
4/ The state in @zksync 2.0 will be divided into 2 sides: zkRollup with on-chain data availability and zkPorter with off-chain data availability.
5/ Accounts on the zkRollup side inherit full mainnet security.
6/ Accounts on the zkPorter side are cryptographically secured just like in zkRollup. Their data availability is ensured by Guardians: zkSync token holders participating in permissionless PoS.

The upside: a 100x reduction in fees compared to the rollup!
7/ Both sides of @zksync remain seamlessly composable and interoperable:

Thousands of users on the scalable zkPorter side can interact with a Uniswap deployed on the ultra-secure zkRollup side in a single block, and still pay just a few cents per swap.
8/ What makes zkPorter really stand out from other exponential scalability solutions (like Plasma) is its security profile.

In fact, zkPorter is more secure than optimistic rollups—despite being orders of magnitude cheaper!
9/ Want to build on zkPorter-enabled @zksync 2.0? Testnet is coming in May! Reach out for early access. Contacts in post.
10/ We need you to take Ethereum mainstream in a trustless way!

@zksync is a mission-driven project. If you share our vision, values and work culture, join us. https://www.notion.so/matterlabs/Career-at-Matter-Labs-4a69ed0f7acb45c89f662cf12dbc2464
P.S. Special thanks to @hosseeb for the review and comments on this post.
You can follow @zksync.
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