1/ EMOTIONS & NOTES? One thing that fascinates me about Tools for Thought ( @RoamResearch, @obsdmd, @rem_note & @logseq) are the deep emotional connections people make with these tools. But it isn't about the tool, it's about the "thoughts" captured in these tools!
2/ When I started using these tools, I thought people used them because of their features & that really one tool was likely better than another. The truth is they each have advantages. Let me list what I see:
+ Roam: Great graph DB outliner with strong linking

+ Obsidian: Great Markdown editor designed for thought, leveraging speed of local hardware
+ Remnote: integrating spaced learning into its DNA with roots in education
+ Logseq: opensource tool based on graph DB & markdown. Totally unique hybrid that has a solid future.
4/ Each tools for thought has advantages over the others. We have an amazing number of diverse choices for different user types (some like local, some cloud. Some like outliners, some don't. And so on). The story is much better than a year ago: there is something for everyone!
5/ Having been in IT for years, I expected there would often be "tool wars", debates between users of these products "Mine is better than yours" type rhetoric. And while we may have some fun at times, I am amazed at how peaceful & respectful these communities are with each other.
6/ My conclusion is:

It's not about the tool, its about the thoughts we keep in them.

Ironic: there is more similarities than differences between all these tools
7/ and no matter what your choice of tool is, it is this pursuit of "thought" creates a common bond between us all, a family of individuals with a common goal: the pursuit of capturing knowledge, learning, sharing and growing.
8/ I admit, I love Roam. Frequently I get caught up in the excitement of what it can do. But at the end of the day its not about the tool, for me it has been learning new ways of thinking and building for a creative and innovative future, learning from so many people every day.
9/ Many wonder why I never pursued fiscal reward for efforts on Roam42. Simply put, the payment I have received has come in learning from so many others. Working with people in "their world" teaches you what yours lacks. This is the best payment, a real gift.
10/ You can't put a price tag on learning from others. You can't feel more reward than giving to others. The effect is cyclical. You give, you get -- repeat.
11/ So no matter which Tool of Thought you use, you are a part of a greater family, seekers of mental riches.

This is the bond. And it reveals why we are so emotionally connected with our tools. They are an extension of the mind and heart. An external piece of one's self.
12/ They are inanimate things, but we treat them as if they are human, alive, breathing and will be with us years to come.

So I am curious, what is your opinion: Why do we develop such strong emotional bonds with "Tools for Thought?"

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