Ever wonder how to get through #Ramadan unscathed? How you can get away with eating snacks throughout the day and avoid prayers?

This thread is for you.

Here is our #exmuslim Ramadhan Survival Guide!
01 ) Hide food to eat in secret
02) Don't leave evidence

03) Pace your eating
04) Eat nutritional food

05) Read books during prayer time
06 ) Hide earphones underneath your hijab

07) Pretend to have your menstrual period
08) Reach out to other muslims & exmuslims in the same position

09) Lay Low
10) Use Taraweeh as an excuse to leave the house

11) DO NOT come out as an exmuslim if you are still dependent on your family.

Despite how difficult it might be, it’s important to remember that Ramadhan will end, you will once again have your normal routine back. Outing yourself could have a real impact on your future.
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