BREAKING: CDC and FDA just recommended a halt in J&J vaccine distribution due to 6 rare case of blood clots. They did exactly what they were supposed to do. Found an adverse reaction and halt distribution. That’s good quality control. Let me tell you something ironic. 1/
People are so hesitant to get these vaccines because they were rushed. The J&J vaccine produced 6 rare blood clot cases that may or may not be attributed to the vaccine. OUT OF 6.8 MILLION DOSES GIVEN. That’s .000088% chance. Let’s talk about pregnancy. 2/
People won’t get a vaccine that may very well save their lives but will get pregnant without even a glance at the risks. There’s a 20% chance that you will miscarry. Stillbirths happen in 1 in 160 births. The woman could die in pregnancy or at birth. 1 in 75 women die in birth.3/
It’s crazy to me that people will get pregnant at the drop of the hat w/o knowing all the very common risks but won’t get a vaccine that will likely save their lives. Trust me about risks. I’ve had two stillbirths due to non genetic, rare congenital abnormalities. 4/
I’d still the vaccine. Any one of them. That minuscule chance of getting a rare blood clot (btw they didn’t die), is worth being protected from COVID. Anti vaxxers want to claim COVID has such high survivability rates. So does a vaccine. Get the shot. #vaccine #VaccinesSaveLives
I’ve been taking hormonal bc for 10 years. I have a WAY higher risk of developing a blood clot than anyone who got the J&J vaccine.
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