It isn't for a lot of people. Its a horrible month of for ex Muslims, many have to pretend for fact and pray or face horrible abuse. Its a horrible month for religious Minorities in pakistan who have starve or eat with the risk of being brutally beaten, charged with blasphemy 1/
Or murdered. Its a horrible time for the women that have to slave away in the kitchen for hours in the heat, who won't be able to enjoy the spiritual and religious benefits of the month, who get mocked, ridiculed and even beaten if their food isn't good enough, who get ordered 2/
Around to help the poor fasting men who sit on their asses the whole day. Its horrible for the women who have to pretend to eat on their periods. Its horrible for the queer muslims who after years and homophobia and transphobia have a difficult relationship with faith. Its a 3/
Bad time for people who deal with mental illnesses, especially because mental health isn't given importance in pakistan, because starving and lack of hydration can cause even more problems, some have eating disorders that might get triggered, some have to take medication, and 4/
Will either have to sacrifice their mental health or deal with the shame, guilt and mockery they'll receive for not fasting for something as "stupid" as mental well being. There's so much more that I cant think of rn, feel free to add 5/5
Pretend to fast* who have to starve*
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