I wrote about how we're entering the full zombie phase of "hygiene theater"

Evidence for surface transmission of COVID-19 is truly pathetic. But unlike the actual coronavirus, performative cleaning rituals are very much alive on surfaces across America.
The surface-transmission theory of COVID-19 is basically dead. But hygiene theater lives:

- on subways
- in schools
- in stores
- in offices
- and ... sigh ... at The Atlantic
I want to directly address this point because I think it represents a plausible-sounding but probably wrong objection to my hygiene theater critiques.

The objection is basically: Hey but isn't hygiene theater actually, you know, pretty hygienic?
It's quite possible that ALMOST ALL respiratory viruses mostly spread through the air—including rhinovirus (lots of common colds) and the flu.

That means the best way to avoid getting sick isn't power-washing strategies, but ventilation strategies. Think windows over Windex.
The goal is to stay healthy without losing our minds.

If you describe an aerosolized virus as being “on your vegetables, on the floor, on your clothes, on your face, and maybe also in the air" you will be less strategic and hygienic—and also, you may lose your mind.
in conclusion

- washing your hands: good
- wiping down carts at trader joe's: sure, whatever
- clean-desk mandates in offices: getting weird
- school + subway closures for power-scrubs: actually bad
- banning outdoor activities to "take the virus seriously": fully insane
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