1. This is a thread about lockdown easing.
I'm no expert, as you know, so it won't be about the virus.
All I'll say on the virus is that life isn't actually back to normal, so please wear a mask, keep distancing and washing your hands.
2. I will probably get vilified for this, but I'm not really looking forward to lockdown ending.
While I know others can't wait and understand that it has taken a huge toll on them, non-lockdown life takes a toll on a not unsubstantial number of people of all ages: introverts.
3. For introverts with an anxiety disorder (🙋‍♀️) lockdown made life much easier. We didn't have to constantly force ourselves to do things that made us uncomfortable or anxious. To be clear, most of us introverts don't normally have the luxury to just stay in and not see people.
4. Personally, lockdown has meant more contact with friends and family. Though the biggest negative has been missing out on months of my young nephews lives (at 4 and nearly 2 so much changes in that short time). Being introvert doesn't mean no one likes you or wants to see you.
5. I've seen some angry tweets in response to people saying they aren't looking forward to the end of lockdown. That seems unfair. We don't begrudge you your joy, so please don't vilify those of us who feel differently. We aren't taking your freedom.
6. Please try to remember that extroverts recharge their energy through contact with other people, while introverts recharge theirs by being alone. I still dream about the 10 day holiday alone that I had 3 years ago.
7. My point is that 'normal' life is always a struggle for introverts and the socially anxious, so please let us express that without being attacked for it. We've had a taste of an easier life and that's slowly ending. Let us freely express our apprehension.
8. When someone is tweeting about how much they're looking forward to lockdown ending, I generally don't say anything. The reason for that is that there's a general tendency to think people like me are an aberration and wrong.
9. We are all either introvert or extrovert. Neither is wrong or right. It just is.
Please don't project your own feelings into others, but try to just accept that life isn't one size fits all.

Stay safe and healthy.
You can follow @NicolaJames007.
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