I'm not important enough to have a real website, so I started a blogger page so there'd be a place online for my stuff. You know: musings, goings-on, gigs, releases, how to get in touch for bookings, show posters, etc.
But thanks to Twitter, I hardly ever post anything there anymore. Most of what I have to say has already been said right here, and more succinctly.
At one point, I'd activated this blogger widget that posted my tweets in a sidebar to the main body of text. But then for some reason it didn't work very well. Maybe a bug in some update? I dunno.
Anyway, I ended up deleting the widget. The point is, I hardly ever post to the blog anymore. Look, there's even a link to it up in the bio under my name. You can go see how infrequent my posts have become.
It's frustrating, because I truly enjoy posting there when there's something worthwhile to say. But I don't release material very often, and I'm not playing any gigs. What's there to talk about?
Last year I started doing posts listing what CDs I'd had in the car each day on my commute. I even began including friends' bands, and posting links to their sites. It was an excuse to post something at least once a week, usually on a Friday.
But in reality (a place I sometimes go), my blog simply doesn't have the sort of traffic that I do here on Twitter. And this is faster and easier, the way modern humans like it. So I end up posting most of my thoughts in here.
See? This thread could have been a decent blog post. But here we are.

Whatever. Time to go make coffee and feed the cats.
You can follow @rickmurnane.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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