1. "What's One Of The End Games If Vaccine Passports Become Widespread"

There are multiple end games, this is just one of them. You only have to look to China to see what awaits western civilizations within a few years. The answer is simply "Social Credit Systems"

New 🧵 1/16
2. With this gradual Totalitarian tiptoe and people's rights and freedoms being taken away, we are rapidly heading in that direction. I have transcribed this video for those who prefer to read than watching videos. The transcription explains everything. https://twitter.com/luquion/status/1364006824324784129
3. Start

Everywhere she goes “Oh Young How You” (SIC) is followed, what she buys, how she behaves, is tracked and scored to show how responsible she is. Its called the Social Credit System and is one version now being tested.
4. A persons reputation is scored on a scale of 350-950 and “How You” with a good score of 752 is ok with it. In fact most people are. “Its a mechanism like, pushes you to become a better citizen” she says.
5. Its Big Data meets Big Brother, expanding how the government monitors, understands and ultimately controls 1.4 billion citizens. Thanks to advances in Artificial Intelligence and facial recognition and a web of 200 million surveillance cameras.
6. Reporter “Are people bothered by privacy concerns”

How You “We think a lot of cameras keep the safety. It’s really good. We can accept it”
7. Companies are experimenting with the algorithm to help the government create the new national social credit system. The government also has pilot projects.
8. Citizens are required to do hours of unpaid work to get benefits and scores are docked for things like littering and messy yards, gossip and even jaywalking.
9. Videos of offenders are shown on the local news and information collectors like “Joay Nee” are paid to report on their neighbours, her quota ten entries a month.

"Like the man who carried a drunk person home", a good deed she says.
10. Good social credit she says gets rewarded with perks like cheap loans and travel deals but a bad score means public shame and worse.
11. Wan Jay Young lost a court case and didn't pay, now he’s on a government black list. “I can’t buy airplane or train tickets” he says and the list goes on.

Being discredited makes it hard to get a job or put kids in top schools.
12. The social credit system will go nationwide next year and few here are willing to criticise it. That may pose a risk itself for a bad score and a life that comes with it.

13. Pretty frightening scenario isn't it. Unfortunately the majority of people have no idea of what lies ahead. By giving up their freedoms so easily to become "safe" they are consigning their kids and grandkids to a horrific future. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
14. Snitches seem two a penny in this type of Stasi dystopia (Many Irish people would fit in quite nicely as they’ve had tons of practice in the last year especially journalists and the curtain twitchers).
15. I know that my kids wouldn’t last a second in this type of society. They would permanently be on the naughty step for being messy and doing what teens do and having a beer or ten. They wouldn’t get any goody points for carrying the inebriated home 🤣
16. You know the drill. I write these 🧵 in my spare time and would really appreciate if you could retweet the very 1st tweet. Likes are great but retweets are required to reach as large an audience as possible to expose what is really going on behind the scenes. Many thanks.
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