ok i’ve noticed a recurring comments rn especially with smaller bands who have gained following online and i think it needs to be discussed haha
a lot of bands ( a lot of our mutuals who r genuinely so lovely ) get messages and comments and even whole videos dedicated to them saying “why do they keep promoting themselves ! just release more songs” , which in reality is quite an ignorant statement
to release a song u need to have a single to a high quality you can release (good studios and recording costing £700-1500 per record), press shots, PR links, a way of getting your music to streaming etc
people don’t understand that an entire campaign for small bands can still ramp up to £2000+ and further. and most of this upcoming bands have no other income or are on smaller labels with less financial help
self promoting is so much easier this day and age, it’s how u can develop your audience, get noticed by labels and how u get streams. we sadly can’t just release music every week or month it’s a very slow process
we have met a load of lovely bands thru playin around on tiktok and reels, and i want u guys to know that ur work is so appreciated and ur doing great and that a lot of ppl aren’t seeing ur amazing work behind the scenes
so big shout out to these guys who have been working rlly hard on content and built a great following over lockdown who we met thru social media @TheRills @bears_in_trees @vialband @HoityToity_CA @gullyboysband
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