I haven’t watched the Chauvin trial b/c the whole world witnessed him commit 1st degree murder & the entire proceeding is another opportunity for this society to indulge its racist fascination w/ the bodies of large Black men while pretending we have a legitimate justice system.
This society engages in a form of cannibalism as it relates to Black people. There’s such a perverse fascination with Black people’s bodies that we’re referred to as “lives” & “bodies” as frequently as we’re referred to as people, citizens or human beings.
Ideological whiteness is organized around some perverse desire to consume dark skinned people in one way or another. Somehow the constant consumption of dark skinned people in both life and death gives meaning to the idea of whiteness.
It’s not enough to watch Floyd’s murder on a continuous loop as though there’s something to be newly discovered or taken in. We must also spend days on end dissecting his physical body & discussing if there isn’t something that made him less susceptible to asphyxiation.
What I find most strange about the time & place I find myself in is the normalization of this cannibalism. It’s presented as an advanced civilization, but what I see is endless commodification of death—a system convinced of its own sophistication that still trades in human flesh.
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