Much delayed thread on the "New World Question:"

If PIE/Aryans founded all civilization, what about Mesoamerica? (Maya/Aztec)

Although this topic is complex, once explained, Aryan Founder Thesis is only further corroborated.

We Wuz The White Gods


(🤯<- by end of thread)
Before getting to the 🤯, I need to address two common misdirections:

1 The coping liberal academia lie that the classical New World is comparable to the classical Old World

2 The pants-on-head take that "Ancient Aliens" or "Atlantean magick" founded Mayan/Aztec society

Point 1 gets debunked by reading legitimate Mayanists and Aztec scholars.

PC Mesoamerica never invented the wheel (not the potter’s wheel, nor wagon wheel). Never created or used written language (only ideograms). And left no substantial non-oral record of themselves.

Most strikingly, they had very limited knowledge and made limited use of melting, smelting and casting bronze or copper.

PC Mesoamerica did not enter the Iron Age before Spanish conquest, while PC North America entered the Bronze Age... never.

PC Mesoamerica also never formed cohesive polities.

Their societies were between divided into tollans and the primitive villages surrounding them. (Apocalypto depicts this really well, actually).

The "tollans" referred to large urban centers (city-states)

When we’re talking about “Mesoamerican civilization” we’re really referring to these tollans:

Tula - capital of the semi-mythic Toltecs — 850 -1000 CE
Chichen Itza - capital of the Maya - 600 - 1200 CE
Tenochtitlan - capital of the Aztecs - (1325 - conquered by Spanish)

When libdemics speak of PC Mesoamerica, we are told of the pyramids, and how crazy it is that Egypt had pyramids too, so this must be magical diffusion.

However, these pyramids were nothing like Old World ones. They WERE NOT BUILT AS TOMBS and NOT of a kurgan culture.

One massively important note is that Mesoamericans built “on top” of prior structures — meaning the buildings as we see them today were late builds.

In fact, even with this in mind, the oldest known Meso pyramid can only successfully be dated to around ~200 AD.

Consider that structures like the Aachen Cathedral and the original Hagia Sophia (below) were both built a few hundreds years BEFORE nearly all of the Mesoamerican pyramids. And the earliest attested Meso step pyramid still comes almost 100 years after the Coliseum (70 AD)

The most important comparison is Egypt. The pyramids of Giza were built in… 2560 BCE.

This fact alone should humiliate the mystical, magick, ancient alien cucks (#2 misdirection).

“Hurr atlantean aliens built Mayan pyramids”

You dumbasses are off by 2000+ years.

These pyramids might be impressive for the Americas, but they’re not particularly advanced in terms of the world stage.

Given all this, it should be clear no Aryan invading class ever seeded PC Mesoamerica in the traditional “horse-rider chariot” way.


When investigating Mayan/Aztec oral history, which only became HISTORICAL (written) after the Spanish conquest... we find some shocking stuff.

One common deity, in particular, stands out in all 3 cultures (Mayan, Aztec, and Toltec):

Quetzalcoatl / Kukulkan

We find info on Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec codices, manuscripts assembled by 16th century Spanish friars and their Nahuatl students.

The manuscripts "document the culture, religious cosmology and ritual practices, society, economics, and natural history of the Aztecs."

The main chronicler of 16th century Mexico, Torquemada, writes in his codex that the Nahuatl peoples' oral tradition describes their Quetzalcoatl as:

"white, blond, and bearded," as having come "from the east by sea," & as having brought them "their civilization."

Libdemics: "Ofc the Spaniards lied about the Aztec God being White!! It helps them maintain power!"

Firstly, the hesitation to speculate by Torquemada, where he tries to make sense of it, wondering if Q was a Roman or an Irishman, is unusual if he's knowingly lying.

Secondly, the codices were developed to help educate missionaries of the culture's idolatrous nature.

Why would lying about a "White God" aid that?

Thirdly, Torquemada is corroborated by Diego Duran, who individually said Quetzalcoatl had "white skin" w/ "reddish beard."

Lastly, & most importantly, we know Quetzalcoatl was perceived as a white, light-haired man b/c Montezuma's ppl treated Cortes & his men as "his descendants."

So taken, in particular, were they by the blond, blue-eyed Pedro Alvarado, they literally named him "Sun God." 🤣

Coping scholars may argue these claims are "after the fact" embellishments by Spanish historians.

Yet, the most famous first-person account of the conquest, by the conquistador Bernal Diaz, who had personal beef with Cortes & Alvarado -- SAYS IT DIRECTLY.

So who was this euhemerized Quetzalcoatl?

The manuscripts claim he was the leader of the Toltecs, the civilization Aztecs say seeded their own, teaching them all their knowledge.

The Toltecs are perceived as a glorious Mesoamerican society. Read how they're described.

The Toltecs, some scholars claim, not only seeded Aztecs but also seeded the Maya during their civilizational height at Chichen Itza, where several temples suddenly propped up devoted to Quetzalcoatl.

This theory is still debated today...

But who really was this priest-God and the noble Toltec class he controlled?

Some researchers have proposed they were lost Vikings. Indeed, the Toltec priest-God emerged around the exact same time as the North American Viking excursions.

But that's impossible right? How could Vikings possibly get to the Yucatan?

Yale professor Valerie Hanson proposes that the North Atlantic Gyre ocean current could easily lead a Viking longship astray and DIRECTLY to the Yucatan and Mexico.

But do we actually have any proof?

In the 1920s, archaeologist Ann Axtell Morris worked in the Yucatan. She made copies of Pre-Columbian Mayan murals (in a state of decay) at Chichén Itzá before access to them was banned.

Get ready for chills...

Here is her recreated mural "Battle at Sea."

We can make out what's ostensibly a Viking longship (clad with shields and even the serpent-head) sinking & long-haired blonde men being drowned or captured. (The green beads in the hair is a Meso tradition for POWs)

Need more? Another mural... of one of the blonde men being sacrificed after capture.


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