Everything in this video is true and much more & I know that because I was a victim of this person's narcissistic abuse. #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
One huge problem in America is that white people need to spend a little less time talking and a lot more time listening to black people #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
I mean that as a general statement but we *especially* need to listen to black people when they're speaking out about being harmed cuz we will never understand the experience of being black in America #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
If a black person shares with you some real shit that they lived thru why do u need to question it?? And if you're gonna choose to remain silent and look the other way when a white person is harming bipoc then SORRY YOURE SUPER SHITTY. #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
Anyone who knows me personally knows I'm anything but wealthy but if you are able to help me raise reparation $ to the black people harmed by this narcissistic racist DM me and I will share ppls cashapps #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
I'm just realizing Twitter trimmed the clip so here's the full version https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNluGgOHgGT/?igshid=1dj1zo60jbad5 #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
Also to clarify the person in the video in the first tweet of this thread is NOT the person this is about its about Peyton Patchouli ⬇️ #MuteUnrulyPatchouli
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