In the name of respect and dignity for my family and my children I've been quiet but now I feel a need to speak.
GBV is major issue in our country, every day we read about horrendous crimes committed by men against women and children.
I personally grew up witnessing GBV in my own household and from a young age I vowed never to allow that to happen again under any circumstances.
I DID NOT assault Mbali, the mother of my children. I didn’t do it now and I have never done It before.
It is truly regrettable that she has chosen to mislead the public using the name of GBV and seeking a protection order against me to sperate me from my children and our home.
Divorce is never easy but for us it has been especially painful and I've spent the last 3 years in and out of intense therapy to deal with it privately.
Everyday I am attacked by relentless lies and falsehoods.
As a law-abiding citizen, I will absolutely observe the demands of the interim order but will categorically oppose the permanent installation of its prescripts and this is why we are currently in court.
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