Ishq” is my favourite word from Urdu. It can be translated as “Extremely passionate love”. A thread
The word Ishq is made up of three letters, “Ain, sheen and qaaf” and these three letters stand for three stages of love.
1 Ain: Ain is for “ibadat” which means worship. When love gets purity, it takes you to the place where love equals worship. That's why we earn reward of Hajj when we see our mother smiling.
2 Sheen: Sheen is for “shak” which means doubt. The lover starts doubting his love. He starts competing with others in order to prove himself the best lover.
3. Qaaf: Qaaf is for “Qurbaani” which means sacrifice. This is the final stage of love when lover does everything and sacrifices everything he has in order to please his love.
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