I love that you put the looting first, your dickishness can’t resist revealing itself. I’d be curious about your thoughts about 1/6, but I have a feeling, I already know. The truth is, you’re very typical, Paul. You sound like every other Paul-type I’ve ever encountered 1/ https://twitter.com/zptechnology/status/1381818616904040453
You’re a closed-minded, set in your ways, trump-loving loser with an ax to grind because the world is moving on without you. Your thinking is outdated & obsolete. It must be hard watching the world (you likely feel entitled to) changing too fast to stop it. You feel weak. 2/
You probably like to bemoan that it’s actually white ppl who are really oppressed & you probably think you need to somehow “take your country back”. You probably think you’re smarter than everyone else, despite knowing deep down inside, nothing could be further from the truth 3/
You see, I’ve encountered hundreds of “Pauls” (as I said, I’m from VA) they’re all a seemingly bottomless well of mediocrity. The current one always less impressive than previous one. You are simply the latest & arguably the worst. Now, normally this would be far more profane..4/
But I have a feeling that’s what you’d expect from someone like me. I mean, I think you probably thought I thought you were an “asshole because you’re white”, because you think I’m an asshole, BECAUSE I’M BLACK. Just a theory, but “Pauls” are known for their projection, Paul. 5/
Which brings me to my final point. Projection. “Pauls’” fears about the changing demographics in America are rooted in projection. “Pauls” fear if they become the minority, the new majority will do to him what they’ve been doing to them. And the reason for that fear is also... 6/
rooted in projection. Because Pauls can’t imagine a universe where minorities could be treated this badly, for this long, & NOT seek to exact revenge, because that’s what “Pauls” would do. Isn’t that right, Paul? Maybe “Pauls” would loot maybe even riot like after a Super Bowl!7/
CT Vivian says, “No man can desecrate the humanity of another, without destroying his own in the process.” Pauls, have destroyed & relegated themselves to fear & bitterness corner. Believing someone’s coming to get them, because they’ve spend centuries chasing the “others”. 8/
But fear not “Pauls”, we don’t want you. Like seriously, we don’t want you. In every way imaginable. However, we do want you... to leave us the fuck alone. Stay in your cave and take your self created fears to your grave. We (the rest of the world) are moving forward w/o you. 9/
In closing, I can’t even tell you how many times I wanted to tell you to eat dick in this thread. It’s been hard to not say, FUCK YOU PAUL! But I’m not going to do that. Or call you a scrotum jerky eating cock scab. It was really hard to not say that one. Anyway, bye “Pauls”. 🖕🏾
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