when i was 14, i really wanted to create a program with my local library that would teach digital fluency (is that the right phrase?) and tips on how to use internet

i thought it would be a great way for teens to connect with older adults and was super excited about it
over the span of 6 months, i called the library every weekday an average of 3x/day and i would repeat my idea + ask to speak to someone
usually i would be redirected to a specific person’s voicemail and i would leave a voicemail every time i called
a couple of weeks in, i felt bad about being so annoying about this. i then talked to a teacher who advised me to go to the library in person because you can’t send someone to voicemail IRL
a similar thing happened and i was redirected / asked to call the same number i had been
there’s not a happy ending, i gave up on the project lol but i learned that the squeaky wheel gets the grease and although i hate being annoying, i would much rather be annoying and do too much than be ignored, especially if it comes to something i care about / am interested in
so if you’re looking at my profile because ive tweeted @ you or slid into your DMs, check out this thread for the backstory :)
You can follow @nooriefyi.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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