1/? Just switched from my 2020 iPhone to the 2018 @Palm Phone as my daily driver device. The Verge's Dieter Bohn ( @backlon) gave an excellent review about why this is such an awful idea. I will update this thread with my experience. https://www.theverge.com/2019/2/6/18212311/palm-phone-review-time-well-spent-life-mode-lite-verizon
2/? For some background on my decision to switch to carrying around a 3" phone, I'm trying to kick my social media addiction, as well as use my phone less when I should be living my life. I'm utterly sick of Zuckerberg being present with me at the skatepark or the movies.
3/? While the obvious solution is to delete Facebook (I never installed it on the Palm) and other offending apps, I think that's just ignoring the problem rather than solving it. Even the core notification functionality of most mobile OS's is designed ground up to be addictive.
4/? I've never dipped my toes into tech journalism before, but I'm honestly considering it as a tertiary career to my art and research. I think there's a lot of room in the field for a nuanced review of technology and its intersection with ethics and the human parts of our lives.
5/? Day 1 Palm Phone Update: So far, I love it. Gorgeous design and super snappy for something so small. Battery life seems to be awful as expected, but this should serve as another motivator for me to use the phone less.
6/? I've only installed the base apps I need to get through my day - snapchat, spotify, maps, and a couple others that might come in handy. And twitter. One vice is allowed, and it might be necessary for the scientific purposes of this thread.
7/? Something kind of funny to note, the phone is so small that it doesn't even fit in the phone holder of my car. I'll have to add some foam or something so I can safely use my GPS. Bluetooth music works great though.
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