Thinking about lumine coming back after the events at the abyss ruins and something has fundamentally changed inside the traveler. There’s something missing, like something was ripped outside of her.

Lumine sleeps for days. No food just sleep or at least tries to sleep.
Ganyu: she feels guilty. She was the one that let the traveler take the commission. She notices that the traveler doesn’t smile. When she sees the traveler and thanks her handling the problem. Lumine just nods and says she has some bounties to collect.
Hutao: she’s startled at first when lumine asks for some white chrysanthemums. She jokingly asks who died and Why haven’t they come to the funeral parlor. Lumine winces and doesn’t make anymore eye contact.

Later she learns lumine placed it on an unmarked grave.
Chongyun: he notices there’s a dark cloud over lumine. At first he thought she might be haunted but when he gets closer. he asks her if she’s okay and she just smiles weakly. she tells him that she’s just tired. That she hasn’t been sleeping well.
Xianqiu: It takes him forever to find this book about myths on the lost city of Khaenri'ah. But when he shows her the book they were both looking for, she burst into tears.

He is frantically trying to figure out what he did wrong and she just says it’s one of those days.
Xiangling: she hears that lumine hasn’t been eating well. So she makes a feast and heads to the inn. Lumine opens the door and she is so skinny that it breaks her heart. Xiangling hand feeds her, but notices that she barely finishes half a bowl of porridge before going to bed
Ningguang: she notices lumine taking down the posters she requested after saving liyue. Ningguang asked if there was something wrong. Lumine said they were unhelpful and unnecessary now.

She then asks if she found her brother. Lumine just continues taking down posters quietly.
Beidou; she finds her drinking on the beach alone. She laughs and asks if she needed a drinking buddy she could just ask but then she notices 2 empty bottles next to her. She reminds lumine that drinking like that turns the alcohol into poison. Lumine just takes another sip.
Qiqi: when lumine comes in to ask for something to help with sleep, qiqi asks why. Lumine gives her a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes and qiqi feels sick. It felt forced. It felt like a lie. And miss lumine never lies. So why is she smiling like that?
Keqing: she heard that the traveler wasn’t feeling well and went to visit. But when she arrived She finds lumine in the corner of a messy room, holding her head between her knees, hyperventilating.

And for the first time in a long time, she felt like she was too slow.
Zhongli: he notices that she avoids him. She missed their weekly tea time. When he sees her across the street, he waves and she turns away. When he finally confronts her about it, she doesn’t even look him in the eyes. She becomes another ghost and it tears him apart.
Xiao: he finds her screaming after another nightmare. She’s been having these every night and he can’t fight all of them. He finds her sitting up in her bed, tears that never seem to stop falling down her face l. He feels powerless and weak because he can’t save her.
Finished liyue. Just checking up on everyone, you good? Yeah? Cool cause we are going to hell aka Mondstadt. And trust me when I say... I didn’t forget about Childe xoxo
Amber: when she greets her at the front of the city, her glee turns into panic when lumine faints. Barely catching her, she notices how hot lumine feels. Paimon is frantic. She gets her to a nearby inn but the fever just won’t break. How did she get so sick?How did it get so bad?
Razor: he smells pain and when he sees lumine sitting under a tree, dark circles under her eyes, he think she’s injured. He rushes to her side but couldn’t see any wounds. He asks if she’s hurt and she says she’s fine before asking if Boreas was okay.

But he still smells pain.
Mona: she does lumines fortune once every few days. She knows she can’t see much, but it’s still fun to challenge herself. But on that day, she sees nothing but darkness and pain. Mona rushes out to see lumine quietly blowing on dandelions. A large pile of stems next to her.
Lisa: she finds lumine with a bloody nose after staying up at library all night. She scolds her and says the books can wait. Lumine said she just doesn’t have enough time. That she has to figure it out faster. Lisa didn’t understand what it was that made lumine so desperate.
Jean: she bans lumine from taking any commissions, bounties, or requests until she gets better. Jean doesn’t think it helps because now lumine just goes to domains and comes back with more bruises and looking more tired than when she left. But she doesn’t know how to help her.
Diluc: he tries to gather info on what happened. She was there in front of them and yet she wasn’t. She seemed like she would just fade into the air and it terrified him. He asked her if she needed help and she said that she was fine. He tells her he hates liars. And she shrugged
Klee: she asks the other knights if miss lumine was under solitary confinement and if that was the reason she hasn’t seen her. She says that she wouldn’t even answer the door. The others all freeze. Not knowing what to say to the little girl. She’s just a little sick.
Bennett: he has been asked to take on more adventures and quests from the guild. He wonders if maybe his luck is changing. But then he also notices that lumine hasn’t been taking on any recently.

Now he thinks his bad luck rubbed off on her and feels guilty for taking on more.
ICB I FORGOT ABOUT XINYAN! She literally has been on my main team since the start!!!

Xinyan: she finds lumine wandering aimlessly through liyue. She finds it strange. When she asks where she was going, she responded home. And xinyan’s brows knitted.

Did she even have a home?
Xinyan then asks where that home was. And it was at that moment lumine turned her head and looked at her a bit confused.

Xinyan learned that lumine was sleepwalking and didn’t even know she was there.
Fischl: she knows what it’s like to feel trapped in her own head. To feel like she was drowning on dry land. She knows what it’s like when the world gets too noisy so when she sees lumine holding her head and hiding in a closet, fischl quietly sits down and keeps her company.
Sucrose: silence is defeating and loud at the same time. Lumine was one of the few people but suddenly lumine didn’t speak. Sucrose didn’t know what to do. She wondered if she offended her in any way and when lumine said she was just tired. She didn’t feel any relief.
Barbara: She finds her humming a song. But then she realized it wasn’t just a sad tune, it was a mourning song. Barbara hugged lumine from behind tightly. Hoping that she could heal the wounds she was hearing. But her embrace only made lumine break down into dry sobs
Noelle: she finds a tray of food cold and untouched outside of lumines room. she knocks politely and enters to find lumine sitting at the window staring absentmindedly. She asks if she would eat the fresh pancakes she made. Lumine told her she couldn’t keep food down.
Kaeya: when he sees her, he didn’t expect it to be this bad. When she sees him, she rushes into his arms and hugs him. Crying and apologizing over and over again. It broke his heart hearing her break down in front of him. Especially since he didn’t know why she was apologizing.
Diona: she had seen many heartbreaks from behind the bar. She had seen almost every tragedy possible unfold because of alcohol. Yet when she saw lumine quietly sitting outside the tavern. She didn’t know what to do except give her a drinks and say it was on the house.
Albedo: he hands her some medicine. He says it’ll help with sleep and the indigestion. He talks about his latest research, some stories about Klee. He gets her to smile a little bit. But he still feels like he’s not doing enough. Like he’s failing her in some way and he hates it.
Rosaria: she finds her sitting on top of the chapel and joins her. Rosa laterfinds out that lumine was asleep.

Rosa also learns that lumine was missing for most of the day and the knights were looking for her. Lumine even abandoned a very worried Paimon.
Venti: he found her with dvalin. She asked if he was in a lot of pain and when he said yes, then apologized for it. Venti asked why she’s apologizing when it was the abyss fault.

She winced before getting up and quietly leaving. Venti wondered if he’d ever see her smile again.
Childe: she asked if he knew. He’s confused. She asked if he remembered the abyss. He shakes his head. She asks if he knew how to get there. He grits his teeth and growls. He tells her that he wouldn’t tell her even if he knew. That nothing good survived the abyss. She cries.
Paimon: they watch over her cause that’s all they can do. They know why lumine is like this. They know why they don’t speak of it. But how is Paimon supposed to help when lumine refuses and tells her that she’s fine... that she wasn’t sad.

When lumine was lying to everyone.
Aether: He hates dains for dragging her into this mess. He hates himself for letting this happen. He hates that she won’t stop crying. He hates that she can’t sleep and yet never seems to stop. He hates that he hurt her

He hates that he can’t be by her side. He hates this world
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