Liberty is a beautiful thing.

We often think of it as the burning flame of a torch — fragile, yet enduring as it is passed from generation to generation.

But lately, I’ve begun to wonder if it is more like water — adaptable and winding its way through all the cracks of tyranny.
Over this past year, I have seen great tyranny — but I have also seen Liberty alive in every small act of disobedience: from the rise of cryptocurrency to the school choice revolution.
The more tightly tyrants close their grip around our Liberty, they more human innovation will cause those freedoms to slip through their fingers in clever and unexpected ways.
I remain an optimist.

Perhaps that sounds foolish in these dark times, but I believe a great awakening is coming.

Washington D.C. serves the 1%.
We are the 99%.

The sooner we learn that we are not enemies, but friends, the sooner we can defeat the Washington Machine.
What was so different between the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street?

One blamed big government for the economic crisis.

The other blamed the big corporations.

They were both right — but each with half the picture.

Put it together.
Big Business and Big Government have been in bed with each other for quite some time.

The right and left flanks of America were on the verge of figuring it out — until we went to war with each other, districted with virtue signaling and identity politics.
Every time Raytheon makes a big show about diversity, don’t get distracted.

Remember: they are war profiteers using your tax dollars to fund genocide in the Middle East.

If they really care about diversity, they can stop bombing brown people.
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